Sunday, October 21, 2007


Well this weekend was exciting.
Friday after work, picked Jess up from work. Went to West Van. We went grocery shopping, and bought some chocolate. Went back, and I made mango chicken curry and for dessert I made chocolate covered strawberries and mango. It turned out really nice. Dinner was great. We ate really late though. So afterwards we kinda conked out. Leaving out dessert in the fridge. Next day, we got up went out for breakfast, came back watched some TV, tried out the hot tub, but it was cold, so we ate our dessert instead. Then we ordered a pizza and watched a movie ("Longest Yard" with Adam Sandler) It was a good night. Ended up spending then night there again. And then we woke up, and he dropped me off at home before going to work.
I really had a good weekend. I miss him already. I'm going to his graduation on Wednesday though. Which means I don't have to wait another week to see him. Yay!!!
I'm heading out though.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


So things are going good lately. I'm work at Video Open House as a video/photo editor, I had a photoshoot sans clothing on Sept 23rd, Jess and I are still together, and things are just good in general. We've been watching a lot of movies. Most recently we saw Elizabeth: The Golden Age. It was really good. Jess has a new job as well. Which is good. He was so bored before and now he has a great new job that pays amazingly he says. I'm really happy for him. I bought him a plant (Because flowers aren't manly) as a congrats gift. So I work tomorrow and Tuesday, and then I have Wednesday off. I'm going to SFU to talk to a career councilor (which I don't wanna do) and then I'm going to North West imaging and effects to talk to a VFX head and tour the office. I'm rather excited actually. So yeah. I get to see Jess today after he's finished his work. I don't think he's working a long day today. He's work 3 10-12hour shifts in a row. Poor guy. But he likes his work. I'm just happy I get to see him. Last night when we were in bed, he told me that he was falling in love with me. And I believed him. My heart melted. I didn't say anything back though. I was speechless. But wow. Totally blown away.
Anyways, I need to organize the pots and pans now, and do a couple other things. So gotta jet.


Monday, September 10, 2007


So last night was pretty damn amazing. Jess came over at 5pm and we went lazer tagging. Everyone got all sweaty, and then Jess and I watched a movie. The Beach (with Leonardo DiCaprio) it was really good. So after that, we pretty much made out for 3 hours. I've never been kissed like that before. He kissed my neck, ears, fingers, collar bone, shoulders, stomach. Just... pfft, I can't even explain it. And then he spent a lot of time caressing my hair and sending me to sleep. He told me how beautiful I was about a million times and said that every time he sees me I just stun him. And he started touching my face and really poetically commenting on my eyes, lips nose (that fits perfectly between his lips) and my 'slender' neck. I dunno. He just really took my breath away.
But I have to go brush my teeth and put my shoes on and get out the door for work. Ugh!


Sunday, September 9, 2007


Well wow! My date with Jess last night was amazing. We went to the Quay and sat by the ocean and talked. And then We walked around a bit and found another bit of the shoreline with a bit of sand so I jumped around in the water for a bit. And then we took turns standing in the sun for each other. And when he stood for me, he kissed me. Wasn't expecting it but wow. Every time is fireworks. So at 7, we went back to his place and looked through an Indian cook book to see what we wanted for dinner. So we chose mango shrimp curry with naan bread. So we drove to the market and picked up fresh ingredients and then went back and made it. I made a mango ice cream sort of thing with cardamom and chili powder. I know it sounds weird, but it's really good. So dinner was really nice. He even lit candles. It was funny though because he forgot to take the shells of the shrimp off so dinner became a little messy but still really funny. So after that we watched a movie (Perfect Stranger with Halle Berry and Bruce Willis) and that was good. And after that we just talked and he said he thought it was great that I kept changing my look subtly because it was like going out with someone new every time with the same personality and it kept things fresh. So, yeah. We ended up kissing for about 2 hours after that and then I finally got home at 3:00am. It's all good though. I had an amazing time. We're trying to see each other sometime this week before Saturday again.
And I got anew job! As a photo editor! Which is rad as hell. No more cleaning for me! Huzzah! Things are just better now. *breathes* wow. It's all good.


Saturday, September 8, 2007


Ah well. Last night Jess came over for dinner. I blushed a lot because my mother embarrassed me a lot. Afterwards everyone disappeared so jess and I watched Casino Royale until about 1:30am. Then he had to go home and I kissed him! Isn't that amazing? He went to give me a hug and I put my fingertips on the sides of his face and pulled him in and kissed him. It was 2 very nice and clean kisses. I felt fireworks. Wow. So after he left I shut the door and was like, "Did I just do that?" I talked to him today and told that and he said after I shut the door he was like, "Did she really just do that?" It was just one of those things that you think about until you fall asleep at night. It was still amazing.
My parents just came home and now we have new phones! Hurrah! Because our other ones sucked balls! Balls I tell you.
So Jess and I are going on another date tonight. I'm rather excited. As usual. I have 45 mins until he arrives.
I suppose I should maybe get something to eat and get organized.


Thursday, September 6, 2007


Well. This week has been looking up. Way up. A little after a week of breaking up with Jason, I've gone on two amazing dates with Jess, I've had two separate employers call me back for interviews. A photo editing place where I'd be working on photos of houses, and a visual effects company where I'd be a receptionist. Personally I really want the vfx job over the photo editing one. I'm really excited. I may not have to be a maid anymore!
Tomorrow, Jess is coming over for dinner. My mother really wants to meet him and really get to know him. Both she and Kevin met him when he dropped me off at home on Tuesday. But he didn't say that much. Kevin feels short though because Jess is 6'6". It's going to be a nice dinner. I cleaned the house up. And I'm gonna clean a bit more tomorrow because I go to my interview at 3:30pm in Kits. Saturday Jess and I have another date as well. We're going after he's finished teaching his class. I'm really excited. He's an amazing person.
Anyways, I'd better be off and get my ducks in a row for tomorrow.


Sunday, September 2, 2007


So I went on my date with Jess yesterday. It was really good. He came to my house, picked me up. Opened doors. We went for tea and then a walk on the sea wall and then back to his place to play video games. Then we went for sushi, and then back his his place to watch some TV. At about 9:30 we went to go watch a movie called Star Dust which by the way was amazing. Jess commented that he should have brought another pair of underwear because he was so excited :P So after that, he drove me home and we hugged good night. I felt like I should have kissed him, but I didn't. He was still sweet about it. We're going on another date on Tuesday to the Art Gallery. I can't wait for that. He's really nice and my parents like the sound of him. My mom figures I just grew out of Jason. I guess I did too. He called last night and we talked till about 4am and then he called again at 9:20am. Woke me out of a dead sleep he did! Bloody 'ell! So it's 12:37pm right now and I'm just hanging around my house, did some cleaning because there's friggin' dog hair everywhere! I figure I'll do some painting tonight or even later on in the afternoon. Because painting is fun. Huzzah!
Anyway, I suppose I should get on my cleaning. And I've just been hit with a mad urge to read some of my lit 12 notes. Which is really odd because I did terrible in that class. Ah well.


Thursday, August 30, 2007


Hm... well. Today was good. I still wish I could talk to Jason. I miss him. I wish I loved him. We talked last night. I told him because we're in so much pain I wish we could just forget about each other for a couple of years, heal up. And then once we saw each other again, fall in love all over again and grow old together. I really do. He's amazing. I want him to experience life though. And I want to as well. This is really hard. We're going in different directions in life right now and, ugh, it just really sucks.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Well, Jason and I broke up last night. Technically it's a break for an unspoken amount of time, but it's still tough.
I basically told him that we can't be together if one of us doesn't love the other one and that it was torture and wasn't fair to either of us. And he agreed. So I did it. I feel terrible. I really do. Ugh.

लोवे (love)

Monday, August 27, 2007


Oy, so last night was a fuckin' nightmare. I was on the phone with my pal from Texas for 3 hours. Until 2:30am. And I was bawling my eyes out. Just talked about a lot of things that were upsetting me. And this morning, I woke up at 6, with a HUGE headache and had to call into work to say I couldn't make it. I couldn't even see straight. It was terrible.

I need to eat.


Sunday, August 26, 2007


Having Jay over last night rocked! We watched "40 days and 40 nights" a cheesy movie, but it was still funny. And then we watched "Monty Python's: The Meaning of Life" which was amusing. Then it was youtubing for a while and then bed! We woke up and ate a lot of French toast. And then hung out with Jason, Mark and Liam at the Quay. We climbed things, got dizzy and played on the jungle gyms. 'Twas a good time indeed.

Now, its 11:00pm, and I really don't want to go to work tomorrow at 9:00am. Ick! Until at least 4:00pm, and I can tell you, cleaning houses that long sucks balls! I really dislike it. So hopefully I get a call back from one of the VFX places I applied to for an admin job.

I buggered up my knee really bad today too. It really hurts and I can't bend it or straighten it. BALLS! I hate having this retarded knee. Bastard!

Anyways, I need to get to sleep.


Saturday, August 25, 2007


Hmm, well I woke up around 10:30am today. It's a good time to wake up. I showered, I did my hair, I got dressed, and now I'm waiting for my friend Jess to come pick me up for the VFX class he's taking me to today. Hurrah. My friend Jay (girl) is staying the night tonight. I'm so excited. I love my friends. She's going to Guelph on the 30th though. *sniffle*
I got to talk to my buddy in Texas last night. Richard! of the trees! Huzzah! He's awesome. We talked for like, an hour. Good stuff. I miss him.
I'm off.



So I'm back now from the AiV class Jess took me to. He insists it was boring as hell, but I really liked it. I watched one guy most of the time, who was making 'Catwoman' or something. Whatever it was, it was amazing! As well, apparently I'm "virginal and innocent." Compliment? I think so! So now, I'm feeding my addiction to bagels... Honestly, there is nothing better then a toasted bagel with butter. *drools* My brother is refusing to do his duties and load the fucking dishwasher. Bastard. I really don't want to do it because of the principle, but the house is a pig sty, and we're running out of dishes. Oy. My internet is acting up though. Which is going to be a royal pain in the arse in about 10 minutes, so I think I'm going to go take my shoes off, and watch some Simpsons. Why? Because it's an amazing show.


Friday, August 24, 2007


Work today at 8:15am. Gotta leave at 7:50am. Ugh. I hate scrubbing toilets.
I'll update later.


Hmmm. Well work sucked. I had to work with Maria. Not the best. Drove me IN-FUCKING-SANE! Ah well. I got my pay cheque.. $303.20. Not the best.. I need more cash for school. Ugh. But on the upside, I got a $5 tip from one of the ladies today. Hurrah for tips. I also got my brand spankin' new resume from the people yesterday! Huzzah! So I printed that out, now I'm working my cover letter. Gonna get myself a job. Woot!


Thursday, August 23, 2007


Well today was productive. Went to another job workshop. Learned how to improve upon my already kick ass resume! :P And now I'm back home and its just after noon.
My brother is going to a ZZ Top Concert tonight. He's gonna have such a good time.
I GET PAID TODAY! I totally forgot. I should totally go to my work place and grab my cheque! But then I gotta find the bank... And I don't know where it is. Ah well. I wish I could just steal my parents truck to run those errands... but alas I cannot.
I want my brother to wake up... so we can hang out. We don't do that enough. Which sucks. As well, my internet sucks balls ad keeps on kicking me off. Bastards.
*GASP* He's home! He hurt his thumb so the dr. burnt a hole in it instead.. How is that going to help!? Just asking for infection if you as me.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007


It's a quite enjoyable day today. Got up around 8 and went to an interview skills workshop in order to find a job in the visual effects industry. We're taking a quick break, but I'll soon be back and learning how to handle those annoying employers. It's only 10:30am right now, and I am in some serious need of a cup of coffee... you have no idea. Ugh! Tomorrow I go to a resume writing work shop. I'm more interested in that one, but what can you do? Ah! My caseworker is here now. Gotta go talk to her. I'll update later in the day.


Ok, so I'm home now. I talked to Jason for a little bit. He said he might come over (He lives 2 hours away by transit) but he also said he'd call me. I still haven't done my cover letter. Oi. But I did make an agenda book. Why? Because I'm an organized loser. Pah! It's neat, and I'm proud. The real question is, why did I do that, instead of my cover letter. Answer? Because I knew how. I've never written a cover letter in my life! And my highschool apparently didn't think it was that important. Bastards.

In other news, I have to go to the police station to tell them, AGAIN, just how much I dislike my father and how much I want the peace bond. Honestly, I think Canada's justice system needs to be re-vamped. Just like everyones else's. Protect the victim, not the criminal. As far as I'm concerned, if you break the law you shouldn't have any rights. THAT MEANS YOU MS. LOHAN!

I talked to my good friend Richard again today. It's good to catch up.
Other then that, my life is rather minimal on the excitement bit. I mean... resume writing classes? C'mon. I do think that it's about time for me to print out some stuff... (Again) take a shower (perhaps) and go to the police station (for the millionth time)


Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Well, I've disposed of my xanga account because of the lack of comments I was getting and also because of how inactive my friends are.
I haven't any friends on here except for K.B. but her last post has long since passed.
So I suppose I should tell you a few things about myself. Seeing as this is my blog.

I'm Shannon. Simple as that. "I am nothing special; just a common [woman] with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough." -the NoteBook.
I read, I paint, I take beautiful photographs. I draw, I skip, I sew, and I use chopsticks. I'm French, I'm pretty, I'm stubborn, and I'm young. I love my friends, I reach my hands out to my enemies, but if you've hurt me beyond words, I've forgotten your face forever. I'm in love with a man. I like movies, I like reading. I'm a romantic, but not a hopeless one. I love writing with a fountain pen on coffee stained paper. I love cursive. I have curly blond hair, and blue eyes with a dark green ring in the middle. I can give my heart fully to anyone I please. But I can take it away in the blink of an eye.

Today, I cleaned my bathroom. It needed it. I also fixed my scanner and uploaded my papers onto my computer. I received my transcript this week as well. I haven't open it. I don't work today. Or tomorrow. Or Thursday. I work Friday though. I'm a maid.

Kat, if you read this, I miss you more then words can say. And even though phone calls are awkward, you're still a great friend.

Tomorrow and Wednesday, I have busy days. I'm going to two classes to learn 'interview skills' and 'resume writing skills.' It will be helpful once I start looking for a better job then cleaning. My friend Jess invited me to go to a class at AiV for a day regarding Visual Effects. Which is what I want to do when I'm finished school in Feb. '09.

I think today though, I will start sending my resume to some of the companies out there, seeing if I can help out and what not. Hmm... we'll see.
