Thursday, August 23, 2007


Well today was productive. Went to another job workshop. Learned how to improve upon my already kick ass resume! :P And now I'm back home and its just after noon.
My brother is going to a ZZ Top Concert tonight. He's gonna have such a good time.
I GET PAID TODAY! I totally forgot. I should totally go to my work place and grab my cheque! But then I gotta find the bank... And I don't know where it is. Ah well. I wish I could just steal my parents truck to run those errands... but alas I cannot.
I want my brother to wake up... so we can hang out. We don't do that enough. Which sucks. As well, my internet sucks balls ad keeps on kicking me off. Bastards.
*GASP* He's home! He hurt his thumb so the dr. burnt a hole in it instead.. How is that going to help!? Just asking for infection if you as me.


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