Sunday, August 26, 2007


Having Jay over last night rocked! We watched "40 days and 40 nights" a cheesy movie, but it was still funny. And then we watched "Monty Python's: The Meaning of Life" which was amusing. Then it was youtubing for a while and then bed! We woke up and ate a lot of French toast. And then hung out with Jason, Mark and Liam at the Quay. We climbed things, got dizzy and played on the jungle gyms. 'Twas a good time indeed.

Now, its 11:00pm, and I really don't want to go to work tomorrow at 9:00am. Ick! Until at least 4:00pm, and I can tell you, cleaning houses that long sucks balls! I really dislike it. So hopefully I get a call back from one of the VFX places I applied to for an admin job.

I buggered up my knee really bad today too. It really hurts and I can't bend it or straighten it. BALLS! I hate having this retarded knee. Bastard!

Anyways, I need to get to sleep.


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