Wednesday, August 22, 2007


It's a quite enjoyable day today. Got up around 8 and went to an interview skills workshop in order to find a job in the visual effects industry. We're taking a quick break, but I'll soon be back and learning how to handle those annoying employers. It's only 10:30am right now, and I am in some serious need of a cup of coffee... you have no idea. Ugh! Tomorrow I go to a resume writing work shop. I'm more interested in that one, but what can you do? Ah! My caseworker is here now. Gotta go talk to her. I'll update later in the day.


Ok, so I'm home now. I talked to Jason for a little bit. He said he might come over (He lives 2 hours away by transit) but he also said he'd call me. I still haven't done my cover letter. Oi. But I did make an agenda book. Why? Because I'm an organized loser. Pah! It's neat, and I'm proud. The real question is, why did I do that, instead of my cover letter. Answer? Because I knew how. I've never written a cover letter in my life! And my highschool apparently didn't think it was that important. Bastards.

In other news, I have to go to the police station to tell them, AGAIN, just how much I dislike my father and how much I want the peace bond. Honestly, I think Canada's justice system needs to be re-vamped. Just like everyones else's. Protect the victim, not the criminal. As far as I'm concerned, if you break the law you shouldn't have any rights. THAT MEANS YOU MS. LOHAN!

I talked to my good friend Richard again today. It's good to catch up.
Other then that, my life is rather minimal on the excitement bit. I mean... resume writing classes? C'mon. I do think that it's about time for me to print out some stuff... (Again) take a shower (perhaps) and go to the police station (for the millionth time)


1 comment:

Lucy Dee said...

Resumé writing is the pits!

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