Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Well, I've disposed of my xanga account because of the lack of comments I was getting and also because of how inactive my friends are.
I haven't any friends on here except for K.B. but her last post has long since passed.
So I suppose I should tell you a few things about myself. Seeing as this is my blog.

I'm Shannon. Simple as that. "I am nothing special; just a common [woman] with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough." -the NoteBook.
I read, I paint, I take beautiful photographs. I draw, I skip, I sew, and I use chopsticks. I'm French, I'm pretty, I'm stubborn, and I'm young. I love my friends, I reach my hands out to my enemies, but if you've hurt me beyond words, I've forgotten your face forever. I'm in love with a man. I like movies, I like reading. I'm a romantic, but not a hopeless one. I love writing with a fountain pen on coffee stained paper. I love cursive. I have curly blond hair, and blue eyes with a dark green ring in the middle. I can give my heart fully to anyone I please. But I can take it away in the blink of an eye.

Today, I cleaned my bathroom. It needed it. I also fixed my scanner and uploaded my papers onto my computer. I received my transcript this week as well. I haven't open it. I don't work today. Or tomorrow. Or Thursday. I work Friday though. I'm a maid.

Kat, if you read this, I miss you more then words can say. And even though phone calls are awkward, you're still a great friend.

Tomorrow and Wednesday, I have busy days. I'm going to two classes to learn 'interview skills' and 'resume writing skills.' It will be helpful once I start looking for a better job then cleaning. My friend Jess invited me to go to a class at AiV for a day regarding Visual Effects. Which is what I want to do when I'm finished school in Feb. '09.

I think today though, I will start sending my resume to some of the companies out there, seeing if I can help out and what not. Hmm... we'll see.



giant pandemonium said...

Silly girl, who says no one else has a blogspot?

Dude! You're getting a Dell!

Lucy Dee said...

Well, I've disposed of my xanga account because of the lack of comments I was getting and also because of how inactive my friends are.

I've been there. However, you need to keep on posting. It's discouraging in the beginning, but eventually you'll get the hang of it.

I'm a standup comedienne in NYC blogging her way to stardom. Feel free to stop by.